
  1. Kumar, A., Rathore, P.S., Dubey, A.K. et al. LTE-NBP with holistic UWB-WBAN approach for the energy efficient biomedical application. Multimed Tools Appl (2023). ,SCIE,SCOPUS Q1 Journal , ISSN: 13807501 (print) ISSN: 15737721 (online) Impact Factor-2.313.
  2. , I. Benkhaddra, A. Kumar, Z. E. A. Bensalem, and L. Hang, Secure transmission of secret data using optimization based embedding techniques in Blockchain, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 211. Elsevier BV, p. 118469, Jan. 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2022.118469.  Q1 Journal Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science) Impact Factor-8.666
  3. B. Ilyas, A. Kumar, M. A. Setitra, Z. A. Bensalem, and H. Lei, “Prevention of DDoS attacks using an optimized deep learning approach in blockchain technology,” Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, vol. 34, no. 4. Wiley, Jan. 25, 2023. doi: 10.1002/ett.4729. .ISSN-21613915, 21615748,Impact Factor-3.310 ,Q2 Journal Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)
  4. A. Kumar, S. Kumar, V. Dutt, A. K. Dubey, and V. García-Díaz, “IoT-based ECG monitoring for arrhythmia classification using Coyote Grey Wolf optimization-based deep learning CNN classifier,” Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 76. Elsevier BV, doi: 10.1016/j.bspc.2022.103638., 2022,103638,ISSN 1746-8094, Impact Factor-5.7 ,Q2 Journal Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)
  5. Oswalt.M,,A.Kumar,A,Dubey.J.Anath “An adaptive salp-stochastic-gradient-descent-based convolutional LSTM with MapReduce framework for the prediction of rainfall” accepted in regular issue in IJIMAI, indexed by the Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Universidad International de La Rioja (UNIR) – ISSN 1989-1660 , Impact factor4.93
  6. Abhishek Kumar, Swarn Avinash Kumar, Vishal Dutt, Ashutosh Kumar Dubey, Sushil Narang (2023). “A Hybrid Secure Cloud Platform Maintenance Based on Improved Attribute-Based Encryption Strategies”, International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 8, issue Regular Issue, no. 2, pp. 150-157., indexed by the Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Universidad International de La Rioja (UNIR) – ISSN 1989-1660 , Impact factor4.93
  7. Rathore, P.S., Chatterjee, J.M., Kumar, Aet al. Energy-efficient cluster head selection through relay approach for WSN. J Supercomput 77, 7649–7675 (2021). , Impact Factor 2.6.
  8. P. Rathore, A. Kumar and V. García-Díaz, “A Holistic Methodology for Improved RFID Network Lifetime by Advanced Cluster Head Selection using Dragonfly Algorithm,” International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 6, no. 2. Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, p. 8, 2020. doi: 10.9781/ijimai.2020.05.003. – ISSN 1989-1660 , Impact factor 4.93
  9. Dubey, A.K., Kumar, A. & Agrawal, R. An efficient ACO-PSO-based framework for data classification and preprocessing in big data. Evol. Intel. 14, 909–922 (2021). Electronic ISSN 1864-5917,Print ISSN 1864-5909 indexed in E-SCI,SCOPUS
  10. A. Kumar Dubey, S. Narang, A. Kumar, S. Murthy Sasubilli, and V. Garcia -Diaz “Performance Estimation of Machine Learning Algorithms in the Factor Analysis of COVID-19 Dataset,” Computers, Materials & Continua, vol. 66, no. 2. Computers, Materials and Continua (Tech Science Press), pp. 1921–1936, 2021. doi: 10.32604/cmc.2020.012151. ,ISSN:1546-2226 , indexed in Indexed and Abstracted: SCIE, Scopus, EI Compendex Q1 Journal, IF-4.89
  11. AA. Kumar Dubey, A. Kumar, V. García-Díaz, A. Kumar Sharma, and K. Kanhaiya, Study and analysis of SARIMA and LSTM in forecasting time series data, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, vol. 47. Elsevier BV, p. 101474, Oct. 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.seta.2021.101474 ,Volume 47,2021,101474, ISSN 2213-1388, Indexed and Abstracted: SCIE, Scopus, EI Compendex Q1 Journal, IF-7.76
  12. Benkhaddra, I., Kumar, A., Setitra, M.A. et al.Design and Development of Consensus Activation Function Enabled Neural Network-Based Smart Healthcare Using BIoT. Wireless Pers Commun 130, 1549–1574 (2023). Q2,Impact Factor -2.017
  13. Srivastav, A.L., Markandeya, Patel, N. et al.Concepts of circular economy for sustainable management of electronic wastes: challenges and management options. Environ Sci Pollut Res 30, 48654–48675 (2023).   Q1,Impact Factor -5.19   
  14. Kumar, Abhishek, Swarn Avinash Kumar, Vishal Dutt, S. Shitharth and Esha Tripathi. “IoT based arrhythmia classification using the enhanced hunt optimization‐based deep learning.” Expert Systems(2023): n. pag. Q2, Impact Factor -812
  15. Neeraj Bhargava & Srinivas Kumar Palvadi & Abhishek Kumar & Pramod Singh Rathore, 2019. “An Economical Methodology to Rhetorical Identifications in Cloud Victimization Virtual Machine Snapshots,” International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations (IJKBO)”, IGI Global, vol. 9(1), pages 36-49, January. [SCOPUS ]
  16. T.Sairam and A.Kumar, “Machine Learning Approach for User Account Identification with Unwanted Information and Data” has been published in IJMLNC semantic scholar and cross ref indexed Vol. 02, No. 2 ,(2018), 073–082 , ISSN:2581-3242. [Peer ReviewedJournal]
  17. S.Sasubilli,K.Attanguddi and A.Kumar“APSO based feature extraction approach and svm based classification for sentimental analysis”, published in “Global Journal on Innovation, Opportunities and Challenges in Applied Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Vol. 2, Issue 1 – 2018[Peer Reviewed Journal]
  18. R.Bhargava, A.Kumarand S.Gupta A paper titled with ” Semantic Web Mining Methodologies for Malwares Detection in Emails ” published in UGC approved journal IJRECE ISSN: IJRECE VOL. 6 ISSUE 4 (OCTOBER- DECEMBER2018)
  19. S.Chandrasekaran and A.KumarImplementing Medical Data Processing with Ann with Hybrid Approach of Implementation Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems – JARDCS issue 10, vol.10, page 45-52, ISSN-1943-023X.2018/09/15.[Scopus]
  20. A.Bansal, A.Kumar, R.Singh and N.Sharma “A Survey for Principal of Communication Network & Protocols That Implement In Cloud Environment”, Published In “International Journal on Wireless, Networking & Mobile Communication Innovations (Vol 2, Issue 2 – 2018)”ISSN-2581-51-13[Peer Reviewed].
  21. A.Bansal and A.Kumar“A Study Of Different Methodologies, Approaches & Algorithms Efficiencies For Hand Gesture Recognition”, Published In “Journal On Intelligent Systems & Robotics Insights & Transformations (Vol 2, Issue 2 – 2018)”-ISSN-2581-56-36 [Peer Reviewed]
  22. A.Jain, A.Kumar, J. Chatterjee and PS. Rathore “An Assessment of Classification with Hybrid Methodology for Neural Network Classifier against different classifier” has been accepted by International Journal of Collaborative Intelligence INDERSCIENCE JOURNAL and into the Press for publishing. ISSN online, 2051-7130ISSN print, 2051-7122
  23. A.Kumar, P.Reddy ” Evolution IOT Concept of Face Recognization: A Survey for Related Methodologies”, Published In “IJIRCCE (Vol 7, Issue 2 – 2019)”- ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print) : 23209798 [Peer Reviewed]
  24. A.Kumar,Surbhi Sharma and SammahRasheed ” A Shape Mechanism along Text Based Advanced Face Detection Methodology Using EFM Model “, Published In “IJIRCCE (Vol 7, Issue 2 – 2019)”- ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print) : 23209798 [PeerReviewed]
  25. S.Chandrasekaran and A.Kumar” A Clustering Approach for Customer Billing Prediction in Mall: A Machine Learning Mechanism “, Published in Journal of Computer and Communications Scrip, 2019, 7, 55-66 ISSN Online: 2327-5227 ISSN Print: 2327-5219 DOI: 10.4236/jcc.2019.73006 [Web of Science]
  26. A.Kumar,T. Sairam And V.Dutt “Machine Learning Implementation For Smart Health Records: A Digital Carry Card”, published in “Global Journal on Innovation, Opportunities and Challenges in Applied Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Vol. 3, Issue 1 – 2019[ISSN: 2581-5156 online] [Peer ReviewedJournal]
  27. A.Kumar“Face Recognition Using Hog-Bow by Internet of Things for Security Applications”, published in” Vol 2 No 1 (2018): International Journal of Recent Advances in Signal & Image Processing [[ISSN: 2581-477X (online)] [Peer Reviewed Journal]
  28. A.Kumar, D.Hung, D. Le, T.Sairam” Smart Cities Management Using Deep Learning And Iot With Cloud Computing “, Published In “Global Journal On Innovation, Opportunities And Challenges In Applied Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning Vol. 3, Issue 1 – 2019[ISSN: 2581-5156 online] [Peer Reviewed Journal]
  29. R. Raturi and A.Kumar” An Analytical Approach for Health Data Analysis and finding the Correlations of attributes using Decision Tree and W-Logistic Modal Process”, Published In “IJIRCCE (Vol 7, Issue 6 – 2019)”- ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print) : 23209798 [PeerReviewed]
  30. A.Kumar, J. Chatterjee and PS. Rathore “Smartphone confrontational applications and security issues ” has been published in IJRCM of IGI GLOBAL JOURNAL USA. And into the press ISSN: 2160-9624|EISSN: 2160- 9632|DOI: 10.4018/IJRCM, Vol 9, issue 2[Peer Reviewed] ACM DIGITAL LIBRARY, IETINSPEC
  31. N.Bhargava, R.Bhargava, PS. Rathore and A.Kumar“Texture recognition using Gabor filter for extracting feature vectors with the regression mining algorithm ” has been published in IJRCM of IGI GLOBAL JOURNAL USA. And into the press ISSN: 2160-9624|EISSN: 2160-9632|DOI: 10.4018/IJRCM Vol 9 Issue 3 Article 3 [Peer Reviewed] ACM DIGITAL LIBRARY, IETINSPEC
  32. A.Kumar, S. Palvadi, and R. Agrawal “Utilization of Infrared Warm Imaging for the Fast Analysis of Yield Illness” has been published in IJEAT and into the press Volume-8 Issue-6, August 2019 ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online) [UGC,SCOPUS]
  33. A.Kumar, PS. Rathore, V. Dutt “An IOT Methodology for Reducing Classification error in face Recognition with the Commuted Concept of Conventional Algorithm” has been published in IJITEE and into the press Volume-8 Issue-11, September 2019 ISSN: ISSN:2278-3075(Online [UGC,SCOPUS]
  34. A.Kumar, J. Chatterjee& V. Diaz “A Novel Hybrid Approach For Email Phishing Screening” has been accepted for publish in International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) and into the press Volume-10 Issue-1, September 2019 ISSN:2088-8708 [SCOPUS Q2 SCIMAGO]
  35. N.Bhargava, R. Bhargava,A.Kumar, S. Bhardwaj “Predicting & Visualizing the Clusters Assignments in Health Care Dataset for Disease Prediction” has been published in IJEAT ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-2, December, 2019 [UGC,SCOPUS]
  36. A.Kumar, R. Rani, , N.Sharma, S.Purohit”Connected component analysis with rnn for performing secured data management with hidden data in finger prints “has been published in Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 01-, 2020, DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP1/20201109 ISSN 1943-023X[UGC,Scopus]
  37. N.Bhargava,A.Kumar, D.Kumar and Meenakshi “A modified concept of PCA to reduce the classification error using kernel SVM classifier”. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 6, June- 2015 p.1509-13 ISSN 2229-5518 [Peer Reviewed Journal, Thomson Reuters, UGC]
  38. S.Palvadi, A.Kumar,R.Agrawal,P.Rathore”Designing Smart Cart Application with Zig-Bee and RFID Protocols ” Accepted in Bentham Science Publishers Recent Patents on Engineering ISSN: 2212-4047 (Online) ISSN: 1872-2121 Print [SCOPUS]
  39. S.Sharma ,A.Kumar,R.AgrawalAn Upgraded Model of Query Expansion Using Inverse- Term Frequency (ITF) With pertinent Response For IOT” published in IJITST Inderscience ,Q4 Journal indexed by Scopus , ISSN 17485703, 1748569X Impact factor 0.130,H-Index-7 [SCOPUS]
  40. A.Kumar, V,Dutt, V. Diaz,S,Narang “Twitter sentimental analysis from time series facts: The implementation of enhanced support vector machine” has been accepted for publish in\ Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, and into the press Vol. 10, No. 4, August 2021, ISSN: 2302-9285, DOI: 10.11591/eei.v10i4.3078 [SCOPUS Q3 SCIMAGO]
  41. P.Dutta,P.das,A.Kumar “Hyper parameter tuning based gradient boosting algorithm for detection of diabetic retinopathy: an analytical review” has been accepted for publish in Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, and into the press Vol. 11, No. 2, April 2022, ISSN: 2302-9285, [SCOPUS Q3 SCIMAGO]
  42. P.Dutta,P.das,A.Kumar “An Integrated Fundus Image Segmentation Algorithm for Multiple Eye Ailments” has been accepted for publish in International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research (IJEER), and into the press Vol. 9, No. 4, February 2022, ISSN: 2347-470X , [SCOPUS]