
Dr. Abhishek Kumar is currently working as an Assistant director and Professor in Computer science & Engineering Department in Chandigarh University, Punjab, India. He is Doctorate in computer science from University of Madras and is doing Post-Doctoral Fellow in Ingenium Research Group Ingenium Research Group Lab, Universidad De Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, and Ciudad Real Spain. He has done MTech in Computer Sci. & Engineering and B.Tech in I.T. from, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota India. He has total Academic teaching experience of more than 14 years along with 2 years teaching assistantship. He is having more than 180 publications in reputed, peer reviewed National and International Journals, books & Conferences He has guided more than 30 MTech Projects at national and International level and 4 PhD Scholar. Completed their Degree under his Guidance.

His research area includes- Artificial intelligence, Renewable Energy Image processing, Computer Vision, Data Mining, Machine Learning. He has been Session chair and keynote Speaker of many International conferences, webinars in India and Abroad. He has been the reviewer for IEEE and Inderscience Journal. He has authored/Co-Authored 7 books published internationally and edited 68 books (Published & ongoing with IET, Elsevier, Wiley, IGI GLOBAL Springer, Apple Academic Press, De-Gruyter and CRC etc. He has been member of various National and International professional societies in the field of engineering & research like Senior Member of IEEE , IAENG (International Association of Engineers), Associate Member of IRED (Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors).He is Patent holder and got Sir CV Raman National award for 2018 in young researcher and faculty Category from IJRP Group. He is acting as Series Editor for books series, Quantum Computing with Degruyter Germany, Intelligent Energy System with Elsevier, & Mathematical Methods in the Digital Age: Computational Intelligence & Advancements &  Applied Oceanography (De Gruyter).

Sir CV Raman life time achievement national award

National International Research Books Published

Member of National & International professional societies

Patent Holder for 8 Innovations in various Fields

4Education Journey

Dr. Abhishek Kumar is currently working as Assistant Director, UIE,Chandigarh University , Punjab ,India.  He is doing Post-Doctoral Fellow in Ingenium Research Group Ingenium Research Group Lab, Universidad De Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, and Ciudad Real Spain.

Research Profile 


H-index-22 Citations -1600+

H-Index-26 ,Citations -2400+

H-Index-28 Citations -2800+,I-10 Index -66


Educational Credentials

  1. Post-Doctoral Fellow In Ingenium Research Group Ingenium Research Group Lab, Universidad De Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Ciudad Real Spain.
  2. Doctorate In Computer Science From University Of Madras , Chennai , 2015-2019 Session
  3. M.Tech (C.S.E.) From Govt. Engineering College, Ajmer, Rtu, Kota, Rajasthan In2014
  4. B.Tech (I.T.) From Ciitm Jaipur Rtu, Kota In 2011
  5. Higher Secondary (Science) From Kendriya Vidyalaya Muzaffarpur, C.B.S.E ,Bihar In2006
  6. Matriculation From Pristine Children School, Muzaffarpur, Bihar C.B.S.E. In2004

Teaching Experience: 14 Years

  1. Presently working as as Assistant Director & Professor ,CSE, UIE, Chandigarh University , Punjab ,India, [December 2024-Present ]
  2. Worked as Assistant Director & Associate Professor , UIE, Chandigarh University , Punjab ,India, [December 2022-December 2024]-2 Years 
  3. Working As An Adjunct Faculty For The Program Developed And Offered By Upgrad Education Private Limited (Program” For Liverpool John Moores University)
  4. Worked as R&D Coordinator Assistant Professor Chitkara University ,Himachal Pradesh India from August 2019-Nov 2022 [3.3 years]
  5. Delivered Lecture As Visiting Faculty For Oracle Sql/Plsql In Session 2016-17 & 2017-18 In Dezyne Ecole College ,Ajmer
  6. Worked In Aryabhata Engineering College & Research Center Ajmer As Assistant Professor From 9 February 2015 To 21 July2019 [4.5 years]
  7. Worked In Maharishi Dayanand Saraswti University Ajmer As Visiting Faculty [From Feb 2015] To June 30[4.5 months]
  8. Worked As An Assistant Professor In Ait, Ajmer From October 2013 To January2015[1.3 years]
  9. Two Year Teaching Assistantship during M.Tech in Engg. College, Ajmer(2011-13) [2 years]